'Aisyiyah Garut Regional Leader Pushes for Inclusive and Dignified Elections


Thursday, January 25, 2024


Diskominfo Garut


Diskominfo Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - The Aisyiyah Regional Leadership (PDA) of Garut Regency, through the support of the Aisyiyah Central Leadership Inclusion Program, held a "Voter Education Workshop for Inclusive, Substantial and Dignified Elections" at the Muhammadiyah Da'wah Building, Jalan Pembangunan, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency (23 /1/2024).

This activity is part of the Aisyiyah Central Leadership Inclusion Program, aimed at realizing inclusive, substantive and dignified elections. This activity is an important step in ensuring active involvement and equality of all elements of society in the democratic process, especially ahead of the 2024 elections.

Chair of the Garut Regency PDA, Eti Nurul Hayati, said that this workshop was attended by more than 60 participants from six pilot program villages and 12 Balai Sakinah Aisyiyah (BSA) communities in four sub-districts in Garut Regency.

This event also received participation from the Indonesian Association of Disabled Women (HWDI), the Indonesian Association of Disabled People (PPDI), Youth Force activists, and the media.

"Aisyiyah as one of the women's mass organizations invites or appeals to all members of the community, especially strengthening the role of BSA-BSA in each village and sub-district so that they can become intelligent voters," said Eti.

Eti Nurul Hayati stated the importance of smart voting in the upcoming 14 February 2024 elections, especially in creating elections that are friendly to people with disabilities.

He added that this event was followed up with the creation of a Follow-up Plan (RTL), and a joint declaration of inclusive, dignified voters, as well as inviting the entire community to become smart voters.

"The hope is that this can be achieved, our elected leader can bring (us) to the prosperity of the nation and state," he said

Head of the Socialization and Human Resources Division of the Garut Regency KPU, Nuni Nurbayani as one of the speakers, highlighted the importance of disability access rights in the 2024 elections. He said that this election would provide special facilities for people with disabilities, such as braille templates for the visually impaired and access and assistance in Polling Places (TPS), moreover, there are more than 7,000 people with disabilities registered on the permanent voter list, ranging from mental disabilities, physical disabilities, then hearing disabilities and so on.

"We already have 28 thousand templates to help the visually impaired when voting, consisting of PWP or President and Vice President ballot papers and DPD (Regional Representative Council) ballot papers," he said.

Apart from that, later at the TPS there will also be access provided for people with disabilities. Where later the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) will provide access to people with disabilities who enter the TPS, as well as provide assistance to the visually impaired.

Inclusive elections aim to involve all citizens regardless of race or physical limitations. Nuni emphasized the importance of participation from all parties to produce people's representatives who pay attention to the needs of all groups, including those with disabilities.

"So that later we will produce people's representatives who can accommodate or who can pay attention to the needs of people with disabilities or the needs of all of us," he concluded.

Editor: (Diskominfo Garut/Fauziah Ismi)

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