Bandung City Regional Government - Business Actors Build Bandung City Development Collaboration


Sunday, March 10, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Solving the development and problems of Bandung City cannot be done by the government, but requires collaboration with all elements of society. Including support from the community and companies that are members of the Environmental Social Responsibility Forum (TJSL).

This was stated by the Regional Secretary of Bandung City, Ema Sumarna when opening the TJSL Festival at the Ultima Horison Hotel Bandung (7/3/2024).

“One thing that our leaders often prioritize is collaboration. "If we talk about the condition of the city budget in Bandung City, there is only Rp. 7.4 trillion in one year to develop the city," said Ema.

"When we talk about the budget approach, we cannot solve the problems in Bandung City. "We need collaboration and assistance from all stakeholders, including through the TJSL company," he added.

There are various strategic issues that can be resolved together, such as education, health, infrastructure, MSMEs, floods, traffic jams, waste, poverty and various other strategic issues.

With the presence of TJSL, Kata Ema can become a medium and bridge for companies and the government to contribute to improving welfare in the city of Bandung.

"We want to invite everyone to contribute to development and solving problems in the city of Bandung. "How do these CSR funds benefit society," he said.

Ema also expressed her gratitude for the contribution that companies have provided through the TJSL program to the community.

"On behalf of the city government, I would like to express my gratitude for their contribution to improving welfare in the city of Bandung according to their respective authorities," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Bandung City TJSL Forum, Binsar Naipospos, said that statistically there are approximately 3,800 businesses, both small and medium and large, who are active in opening businesses in the Bandung City administrative area.

The level of participation that helps the Bandung City TJSL program and the final method in 2023 is 169 companies. This data has increased by 28 companies compared to 2022 of 132 companies

TJSL funds in 2023 will reach IDR 19.03 billion. This figure is an increase from 2022 of IDR 17.25 billion

"This TJSL Festival is a form of appreciation and gratitude from the Bandung City Government for the assistance provided by the business world as a form of collaborative cooperation to help the people of Bandung City directly handed over to the community," he said.

On this occasion, awards were also presented to 9 companies that have contributed to the City of Bandung through the TJSL program during 2023, namely:

1. PT. Biofarma (Persero)
2. PT. LEN Industry (Persero)
3. Summarecon Bandung
4. PT. Indonesian Railways (Persero)
5. PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)
6. Bank BJB Tamansari Branch
7. PT. Aerospace Indonesia (Persero)
8. PT. Pindad (Persero)
9. PT. PLN (Persero). (Diskominfo Bandung City/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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