Increasing Legal Awareness, Bandung City Government Holds Integrated Legal Counseling


Sunday, March 10, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - In order to increase public legal awareness in order to create conditions for Legally Aware Families or Subdistricts (Kadarkum), the Bandung City Regional Government is holding Integrated Legal Counseling (Luhkumdu) activities in a number of subdistricts.

The second Luhkumdu event was held in Kebon Pisang Village, Sumur Bandung District (8/3/2024).

Head of Sumur Bandung Subdistrict, Wahyu Rinjaningsih, explained that human life is not free from problems, one of which is legal problems.

"Human life is certainly not free from problems, one of which is legal problems," he said at the opening of Various.

Wahyu said that Kebon Pisang Village has the largest number of residents in Sumur Bandung District. So there is the potential for problems to arise.

"Because the number of residents in Kebon Pisang Subdistrict is the largest, it is very appropriate to hold Integrated Legal Counseling," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Legal Aid Facilitation Team in the Bandung City Legal Department, Puja Suryaningrat, explained that this activity was an effort by the Bandung City Government to increase public and apparatus understanding of statutory regulations and the implementation of positive law.

"This is in accordance with the direction of development policy which places the legal position first in order to create awareness and implementation of the law in society," he said when present representing the Assistant for Government and Welfare, Asep Saeful Gufron.

According to him, legal warnings from all stakeholders, including government, society and the private sector, are one of the criteria for achieving the success of the mission of the City of Bandung which is superior, comfortable, prosperous and religious.

"The city of Bandung must be used as a model city as a law-aware city," he said.

He hopes that all Luhkumdu participants can play an active role because the counseling process involves dialogue so that they can have two-way interaction. (Diskominfo Bandung City/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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