Acting West Java Governor Visits Location of Rob Flood Disaster in Rancabuaya


Friday, March 15, 2024


Rilis Humas Jabar


Rilis Humas Jabar

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Acting (Acting) Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin visited the location of the tidal flood disaster in Rancabuaya, Garut Regency, Thursday (14/3/2024). Reviews are carried out to ensure treatment is running optimally.

In the review, Bey appealed to fishermen, especially in the southern coastal region of West Java, not to go to sea until March 20 2024 because high wave conditions still have the potential to occur.

"So it was suggested by the BMKG that until the 20th (March) it was recommended not to go to sea. But we will look at the conditions after that. Is that okay, because the first thing is safety, later we will see whether it is safe to go to sea or not," said Bey.

The tidal flood damaged hundreds of fishing boats. To help tow the ship to a safe place, Bey immediately coordinated with the Transportation Department to deploy a tow truck.

"I saw earlier that towing the ship was very manual. So we tried to work together with the Department of Transportation, with the towing crane," said Bey.

While waiting for the process of collecting data on the impact of damage caused by tidal floods, Bey said that the West Java Provincial Government would think about assistance schemes for fishermen, including repairing damaged boats.

"We are thinking about assistance to fishermen. What is certain is that there will be assistance, but we are thinking about the scheme. Whether it can be an emergency response or just a stimulant, but we are also thinking about assistance for fishermen to repair their boats," said Bey.

Apart from Garut Regency, Bey ensured that fishermen whose boats were affected by tidal floods on the coast of Sukabumi would also receive the same treatment and assistance.

"Yes, the same (in Sukabumi) the treatment is the same, first the assistance is the same, we are waiting to see whether we can respond to the emergency or not. And the advice is to follow the BMKG's directions, until the 20th (March) try not to go to sea first, because safety is the main thing, only then "We'll see that again," said Bey.

Editor: Admin

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