Speeding up e-KTP recording, Bandung Regional Government Holds Public Consultation


Sunday, March 10, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - In an effort to accelerate the recording of Electronic KTPs (KTP-el) and support the holding of simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) in 2024, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) held a Public Consultation Forum at the Horison Hotel Bandung (7/3/2024) .

Bandung City Regional Secretary, Ema Sumarna, said that accelerating the registration of e-KTPs for first-time voters is very important to continue to accelerate in order to make the regional elections which will be held on November 27 2024 a success.

"We carried out the need for data validation for citizens who have the right to vote through the legislative and presidential elections together yesterday and on November 27 2024 in the city of Bandung we will hold simultaneous regional elections for the next 5 years," said Ema when opening the Public Consultation Forum.

On this occasion, Ema expressed her appreciation and thanks to all stakeholders, especially the principals of SMA/SMK/MA equivalents who had helped in the successful recording of e-KTPs for students who had the right to vote.

"Including for the upcoming regional elections, there will definitely be students who are of voting age. We are asking for help and cooperation from school principals to come back together to help register students so that the data is valid, working together with Disdukcapil to see an increase in the DPT," he said.

He said that voter participation in the simultaneous elections in Bandung City was 84 percent. He was also grateful that the simultaneous elections were held peacefully, safely, calmly and comfortably.

"This is our joint capital. In the city of Bandung, political behavior is extraordinary, because my participation is still high. 84 percent is in the satisfactory category. Including the upcoming regional elections," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Population and Civil Registration Office, Tatang Muchtar, said that the public consultation forum this time raised the theme of accelerating the registration of e-KTPs for first-time voters in order to support the 2024 regional elections and the role of Digital Population Identity (IKD) in supporting the acceleration of digital transformation for public services.

This public consultation forum was held to obtain input on the evaluation of the acceleration of e-KTP registration for first-time voters within the Bandung City Government.

"This consultation forum was carried out on a limited basis by inviting the main stakeholders consisting of elements representing public service providers from government, banking, other community agencies and school agencies," he said.

This activity, Tatang hopes, can be a medium for forming the commitment of all stakeholders in implementing population administration policies and facilitating public services in public services. (Diskominfo Bandung City/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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