Students from West Java and Central Java Compete in IoT Competition


Wednesday, March 13, 2024


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PORTALJABAR, CIREBON CITY - High school and vocational school students compete in the Internet of Things (IoT) Competition entitled Indibiz IoT Competition 2024 with the theme "Together with Telkom Building the Indonesian IoT Ecosystem".

There are three categories being contested in the Indibiz IoT Competition 2024, namely Smart Quiz IoT, Indibiz IoT Idea, and Indibiz IoT Showcase.

The 2024 Indibiz IoT Competition was attended by 148 teams from 65 schools in West Java and Central Java.

After going through various series of selection processes, 13 high schools and vocational schools were entitled to enter the Grand Final of the 2024 Indibiz IoT Competition which was held at the Witel Telkom Cirebon Office, West Java, Tuesday (5/3/2024).

EVP Telkom Regional 3 Saiful Hidajat said that Telkom was carrying out the Indibiz IoT Competition 2024 as a place to prove and show off high school and vocational school students to show their work in the IoT field.

According to Saiful, the selected works not only have commercial potential, but can also have a positive impact on the environment, society and the business world, in line with the President's direction so that vocational school graduates can have skills that suit industry needs.

"We really hope that holding this event will have an impact on students so that they can hone their skills in the field of IoT and increase the value of participating schools." said EVP Telkom Regional 3, Saiful Hidajat.

Apart from that, Saiful said that the three categories being contested were considered to be able to enable students, teachers and schools to further explore creativity and measure IoT knowledge to develop IoT solutions that are applicable and can be commercialized.

At the peak of this activity, three schools were crowned as first winners in each category. The winner in the IoT Smart Category was won by SMK Marhas Margahayu.

Then the winner in the Indibiz IoT Idea category was won by SMK Karya Nasional Kuningan through its Roasting Coffee FluidBed innovation based on Lynx-32.

This coffee bean dryer that utilizes IoT uses Lynx-32 Development Board components and is integrated with the Antares platform.

Roasting Coffee FluidBed based on Lynx-32 has market potential to become an alternative to branded coffee dryers which are relatively expensive.

Meanwhile, the winner in the Indibiz IoT Showcase category was won by SMK Taman Siswa Rancaekek through an innovation called Monitoring Agriculture (Moture).

Moture is an IoT-based agricultural land monitoring system that uses components from Antares and several sensors to monitor land and weather conditions.

Through the information obtained from Moture, farmers can find out the condition of soil fertility, acidity, weather conditions, rainfall, or other information that can be added.

Furthermore, at the 2024 Indibiz IoT Competition Grand Final event, Telkom also signed a KiDi IoT Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with five schools at once, namely SMK Pelita, SMK Budi Bakti Ciwidey, SMK Pamor Cikampek, SMK Budi Mandiri, and SMK Presiden.

Through this collaboration, each school gets access to explore IoT technology with the support of KiDi IoT from Telkom. The aim is to support the creativity and capabilities of students in the IoT field which will lead to the development of new innovations that have a positive impact on people's lives and the business world.

Schools' awareness of the importance of IoT learning continues to increase. Since its birth, to date more than 40 vocational schools have collaborated with KiDi IoT. **(011)


Editor: Revo

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