Want Information About Top Private Schools in Bandung? Come to the Edu Fair in Ciwalk


Saturday, January 20, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Approaching the New Student Admissions (PPDB) period, a number of leading schools are taking part in the Edu Fair at Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk), 16-21 January 2024.

A number of schools showing off their excellence include the As Salam Foundation, Santa Ursula, Pribadi Bandung School, Bhinekas School, Bianglala School, Global Selamat School Bandung, Cianjur Islamic Scholar School, Edu Global School, Lentera Ihsan Creative Foundation, and Link Montessori School. Apart from schools, there are also universities such as Binus University.

The participants presented various superior programs and offered information about education.

Representatives from the As Salam Tian Puspita Foundation said that the foundation's participation in the Edu Fair was part of an effort to attract the attention of prospective students.

"We are following this as a strategy to approach PPDB. The As Salam Foundation provides various levels of education, starting from TPQ, Kindergarten, Elementary School, to Vocational School, including Madrasah Aliyah (MA) as the newest," he said.

Tian hopes that events like this edu fair can be held again in the future, to continue to provide opportunities for educational institutions to interact directly with the community and prospective students.

Ganendra Ananta Legawa, a student from SMA Edu Global School, admitted that this activity was a must for students, as well as an opportunity to participate in various competitions being held.

"There are lots of challenges and games and other exciting events here," he said.

Ihsan, another visitor, admitted that there was something different at Edu Fest in Ciwalk.

"The difference here is the diversity of events. Usually at other events there are only educational activities, but here they include performances such as dancing, silat and competitions," he said. (Diskominfo Bandung City/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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