West Java Public Relations - Noovoleum, Invites GenZ to Collect Used Cooking Oil for Renewable Energy


Sunday, March 10, 2024


rep Teguh


rep Teguh

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - West Java Provincial Communication and Information Service is collaborating with PT. Noovoleum Investama Indonesia to improve environmental education for generation Z or GenZ.

The cooperation agreement was signed on Friday (8/3/2024) in Bandung between PT. Noovoleum Investama Indonesia with the Information and Public Communication Sector West Java Diskominfo (West Java Public Relations).

The agreement follows up the activity entitled 'UCOllect Goes to School: Empowering the Next Eco-Generation' on 22 January – 8 March 2024 in 12 schools in Bandung City.

Young Expert Public Relations Officer Hadi Kusmarani was present at the cooperation agreement to hand over the video competition award contested by Noovoleum.

"Noovoleum and West Java Public Relations have the same spirit, namely wanting to provide information and encourage young people in West Java to protect the environment in creative ways," said Hadi Kusmarani.

"Hopefully the collaboration between Noovoleum and West Java Public Relations can ignite a love for the environment in the younger generation, starting from not throwing away used cooking oil carelessly, but that it can be collected to become renewable energy," he added.

Noovoleum Community Engagement Officer Andini Nugraha said the company has an interesting application that invites people to play an active role in protecting the environment, especially minimizing cooking oil waste.

"We invite the public, especially GenZ, to collect used cooking oil which will be processed into bio diesel and even bio avtur," he explained.

So far, many environmental activities have targeted the general public, but Noovoleum wants to be more specific, namely targeting GenZ. Because concern for the environment must start from an early age.

"We are currently still local to Bandung, so we are enthusiastic about working with West Java Public Relations. We hope that this information can be spread more widely to the public," he said.

Editor: rep Teguh

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