CYCLING DE JABAR 2024, Ciayumajakuning Tourism Exploration


Friday, March 15, 2024


Rilis Humas Jabar


Rilis Humas Jabar

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The West Java Provincial Government will hold the annual Cycling de Jabar bicycle racing event for the third time. Cycling de West Java 2024 will be held on May 25.

There are interesting things in this year's implementation. The previous two editions of Cycling de Jabar always explored the southern West Java route by starting in Ciletuh, Sukabumi Regency and finishing at Pangandaran Beach.

Differently, Cycling de Jabar 2024 will start from Cirebon - Majalengka - Kuningan - Ciamis - Banjar and finish again at Pangandaran Beach.

This new route has a distance of 213 kilometers with terrain and climate that is no less challenging, and still presents natural landscapes that are no less beautiful.

The West Java Provincial Government itself will optimize Cycling de Jabar 2024 as an event to promote West Java tourism in other areas.

Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin appreciated this new route. According to him, at the start of planning, the Provincial Government asked partners to organize the new route. West Java has a large area and a lot of tourism potential that is relatively unexplored.

"This is in accordance with our wishes to develop tourism in Ciayumajakuning," said Bey Machmudin at the Cycling de West Java press conference at Gedung Sate Bandung, Thursday (14/3/2024).

Bey said that Cirebon has a central role for West Java, namely supporting the West Java International Airport (Kertajati) in Majalengka Regency.

"Cirebon is a support for BIJB Kertajati, we want exposure. Even though the Cycling de Jabar racers won't miss it, it will later be one of those mentioned in this Cycling de Jabar event," he said.

According to Bey, with a distance of 213 kilometers, the committee has provided a special resting place for amateur racers or bicycle enthusiasts. The place to rest is special because it is the official residence of the Regent of Ciamis.

"For hobbyists (fun cyclists) there is a stop at the Ciamis Regent's house to rest, eat and continue on to Ciamis - Banjar - Pangandaran. But for professional ones there is no stopping," said Bey.

Bey said that the road infrastructure along Cirebon - Pangandaran is 90 percent smooth so that it will make racers comfortable pedaling.

"The road is 90 percent ready, we will repair another 10 percent later," said Bey.

Bey reminded the committee to pay attention to the safety of the participants, including participant accommodation so that they don't get too tired.

In the same place, Head of the West Java Tourism and Culture Service, Benny Bachtiar, explained that currently West Java tourism is overloaded in the Greater Bandung and Greater Bogor areas, but economic improvement is often hampered by traffic congestion.

"So now we are trying to highlight Greater Cirebon, which is relatively little known, including the Ciayumajakuning area where Kertajati Airport is located," said Benny Bachtiar.

Benny explained that Cycling de West Java 2024 could attract foreign tourists with special interests, such as culinary, culture and nature. "The Greater Cirebon area already has all of that, which is of interest to foreign tourists, so we must continue to promote it," he concluded.

Editor: Admin

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