Together with Dilans Indonesia, the City Government is increasingly protecting the rights of people with disabilities and the elderly in the city of Bandung


Sunday, December 3, 2023


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - To fulfill the protection and rights of people with disabilities and the elderly, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) together with the Indonesian Dilans Community are increasing inclusion in the City of Bandung. This joint study was discussed at Artotel Braga, Saturday (2/12/2023).

Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, said that disability-friendly policies in the City of Bandung have been regulated in Regional Regulation number 15 of 2019, Perwal number 120 of 2022, and Perwal number 1439 of 2018.

"The Bandung City Government continues to strive to create a Bandung City that is friendly for people with disabilities and the elderly. "We will continue to promote inclusive cities so that the rights and protection of people with disabilities and the elderly can continue to be fulfilled on a regular basis," he said.

Apart from that, the Bandung City Government also provides regulations so that inclusive education accepts people with disabilities up to a maximum of 5 percent of the new student admission quota (PPDB).

“Even with the procurement of ASN. "Recruitment requires that a minimum of 2 percent of formations be opened for people with disabilities," he said.

He added that the Bandung City Government is also trying to provide friendly facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities in public spaces, one of which is at the Bandung Kiwari Regional Hospital through the Laraspurwa service.

"Including in places of worship and sidewalks, we periodically make them friendly for people with disabilities and the elderly," he added.

The President of Dilans Indonesia, Farhan Helmy, said that the facilities that have been provided so far for people with disabilities and the elderly can be enjoyed and celebrated.

"Not just celebrating, we are here fighting together. We at Dilans have been fighting for almost 2 years for disabled people and the elderly throughout Indonesia, including the city of Bandung," he said.

In the context of Dilans' second anniversary, various activities were held for 10 days. The peak is December 10, 2023.

"The activities are varied, there is Yoga for Dilans, interactive dialogue, exhibitions, film screenings, public lectures, musical performances, MoU cooperation with various communities, and a symbolic handover of electric wheelchairs to Dilans volunteers," he said.

These activities were created to show that disability and the elderly do not mean the end of everything. He said that to date there have been 500 Bandung City Dilans activists who have played a role in helping people with disabilities and the elderly.

"This is a process that we have to fight for together, not an instant dream. There is a blind friend, 20 years old, a student who can read maps thanks to the help of activists from Dilans," he said.

Farhan admitted that he would continue to look for ways to access facilities for people with disabilities. Especially in terms of empowerment, it is important for people with disabilities and the elderly.

"We are also working on other dimensions related to inclusiveness policies. This is working together with the government to provide better regulations," he said.

This year, Dilans has been campaigning for the fulfillment of disability and elderly rights since June. Not only in Indonesia, Dilans also collaborates with international partners to convey this message.

"Abroad, we think of cooperation with the climbing community. In Indonesia, there are 7 interactive dialogues. Especially for the city of Bandung, we want to make Bandung Wells a concrete example of inclusion. For example, cafes around Braga provide sign language and the facilities are easily accessible to friends with disabilities "Including other public spaces such as museums, we also need to provide disability and elderly friendly services," he said. (rdp*)

Editor: rdp

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