Helping Food Security, Young Bandung People Enthusiasticly Participate in Urban Futures


Friday, March 8, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

176 times


4 times


PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - A number of young people are enthusiastic about taking part in Urban Futures at the Hotel de Braga by Artotel, 5-6 March 2024. This program is an effort by the Bandung City Regional Government to invite the younger generation to maintain food security.

This activity presents various elements ranging from young people such as the Bandung City GenRe Forum, MSME actors, the West Manggarai Regency Government, NTT, and institutions in the food sector.

One of them is Bayu Pangestu, GenRe Ambassador for Bandung City in 2023. For him, this is his first experience.

"It's really exciting, there's a lot of understanding about food in the city of Bandung. This is also a new experience for me and can really be implemented in my life. "And it's amazing that when we are teenagers we can be involved," he said.

He hopes that teenagers in the city of Bandung can collaborate with these programs to create healthy, intelligent and story-telling teenagers.

Vania Febriyantie from Seni Tani expressed a similar thing. He has used unused land with young people in Sukamiskin Village to become young farmers in Bandung City.

“I feel that the Tani Arts program is supported by this Urban Futures program. "Moreover, the place in Bandung City with young people is also very suitable for Tani Arts," he said.

Vania also hopes to collaborate with various parties to maintain food security in the city of Bandung.

"We hope to collaborate with several parties related to food so that this program can be sustainable," said Vania.

"The hope is that we can know where the food comes from. "Who planted it and how to plant it to create empathy with our plate of food," he explained.

Please note, the Urban Futures program is implemented in Bandung City, West Java and West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Economic and Natural Resources Division of the Regional Planning and Development Agency (BAPEDA) of West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Agustinus Gias appreciated the Urban Futures activities of Bandung City.

"There are many things that we can adopt to be able to collaborate on several programs to transform food and also become a brainstorm for OPD friends in West Manggarai," he said

"Hopefully this activity will run well and smoothly, if there is an opportunity for this collaboration between the two cities and districts to run in the future," he added.

For your information, the kick-off in Bandung City is a collaboration between the Humanist and Social Innovation Foundation, the Bandung City Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP), the Bandung City Regional Government, and the implementer of the RISE Foundation as the lead consortium KOPAJA (Food Coalition and Youth Network) . (Diskominfo Bandung City/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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